***Candidaturas de 1 de Fevereiro a 10 de Abril***
“… support programme dedicated to boosting sustainable innovations in Europe… to offer comprehensive support to public and private researchers …effectiveness and speed of the go-to-market process”
Financiamento de projetos nas temáticas de:
- Energy from Chemical Fuels
- Clean Coal and Gas Technologies
- Renewable Energies
- Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence
- Smart Grids and Storage
- Smart and Intelligent Buildings and Cities
Tipologia de Promotores: “… public-private consortia which currently has an innovative technology project and are looking to accelerate the deployment of their lab idea into a marketable product”
Candidaturas abertas: Call for proposals for innovative cleantech lab ideas (
Deadline de submissão de candidaturas: 10/04/2015
Contacte-nos para mais obter mais informações e/ou para elaborar a sua candidatura …
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